A barcode is a graphical representation of the 13 digit ISBN you’ve purchased. With every order from us, you will receive the 13 digit ISBN, along with the barcode for each ISBN you purchased.
Barcodes can easily be regenerated in seconds in different formats using the Barcode Generator here.
The ISBN typically looks like this:
And when it is placed on the book it will look something similar to this – sometimes it has the book price on it as well, which is optional:
The format and layout of the barcode is up to you, the important part is that it is scannable and that the ISBN is on the barcode so it can be easily referenced.
If a company tries to sell you a barcode when you already have the ISBN, you can safely ignore them as barcodes can be easily generated for free in seconds using the generator above or any other online generator – search “ISBN barcode generator”. What you are buying when you purchase is the ISBN assignment, not the barcode.
We offer the barcode generation for free with every order. When you purchase from us, you get the 13 digit ISBN as well at the barcode for the ISBN, which can be used immediately.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.