eBook Conversion

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Conversion Services

EBook Conversion Services: Kindle & EPUB

Our knowledgeable customer support staff will take the time to answer all of your questions and work effortlessly to provide professionally converted files.

Format options

With eBook conversion by3-5 business days, you get two files. We convert your book files to both MOBI format (for Kindle) and ePub format (for all other eBook readers). We also include a jpg image of your book’s cover with each order, which will be important for displaying or publishing your eBook online.

Kindle & EPUB formats included for use with Apple iBooksand Barnes and Noble’s NookReflowing Layout for iBooks and Kindle Fire also available!

Quick turnaround – on average 3-5 days Most books are ready within just 3-5 days. (Some longer books occasionally take longer)

Speak to a real personA representative is available by phone to assist you with any inquiries you may have.Dial 1-800-662-0701 x250 to speak to a customer service representative now!

Professional formatting & layout with linked table of contents Your initial formatting (paragraphs, spacing, layout) will be preserved. We will provide a hyperlinked easy-to-navigate table of contents. All Kindle e-book files will be formatted to include all of the graphics, pictures, tables, and other images EPUB files will be completed in accordance with the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) standard


EBook Conversion Pricing: Kindle & EPUB

Publisher Service provides professional digital book formatting and ebook conversion. Our dedicated in-house designers will provide ebooks in EPUB formats. Our clients have direct access to a dedicated account manager to assist with all the steps to insure a high quality end product. Turn around for conversion services is 3-5 business days.

Book Size / Number of Images (?)





Books Less Than 75,000 words with 5 or less images

Books Less Than 75,000 words with 6-24 or less images

Books Greater Than 75,000 words with 5 or less images

Books Greater Than 75,000 words with 6-24 or less images

*Pricing may vary depending on page count.

All levels of service come with the following

Adding eBook conversions to your order

If you would like to add an eBook conversion to your print book order, you’ll be able to do so during the initial order process. If your print book order has already been placed, contact us to add an eBook to the existing order.

Once we have converted your files to eBook format, what will you receive?

We email two sets of files

The MOBI file should only be installed on a Kindle for reading purposes. The ePub file can be installed on other readers such as iPhone, iPad, Nook etc. We recommend that you do not try to read the files on a computer, even with certain eBook simulators, as they are not true representations of the eBook. However, if you do not have access to an e-Reader device, you can use free software such as Adobe Digital Editions or the Kindle App to view the files on your computer.

If you discover any problems with the workmanship of your files, we will fix it immediately at no cost to you. If you have typos or “author’s alterations” that you would like to fix, we may be able to fix them. We offer these fixes at a reasonable hourly rate. (Of course, it is always best practice – and least expensive – to make sure your files are perfect before the conversion process. This is where the importance of an editor comes in to play.)

Differences between eBooks and your original files or printed books

While our conversion team takes extra time to replicate the look and feel of your original file, the layout of your book may not be exactly the same. eBooks have certain limitations that other files do not. You may notice the following differences between your printed book and your eBook